Jan 19, 2005

inner soul

What the...?!!

(Courtesy of : Kak Ilavogueinternationalhabess )

Your inner soul is saying SCREW YOU! For some reason you gave up caring about things. You use to be warm and loving, but now you've started crusting over to a cold, hardcore bitch who doesn't take crap from anybody! Even though you try not to show emotions, you desperately want to let loose and go wild! You have an attitude that makes you irresistible to others and you are the one usually to take charge of situations. Try to let loose and have some fun because we all know how much you really want to ^-^

What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? (With Pics)

I know I'm not perfect, nobody is, but this is definitely more than I expected! Wow, I've really deteriorated for some reason...


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