Mar 26, 2005

Grapple this!

Grapple this!

"That is the payment I demand. Not many can afford it. I don't mean your enjoyment, I don't mean your emotion--emotions be damned!--I mean your understanding and the fact that your enjoyment was of the same nature as mine, that it came from the same source: from your intelligence, from the conscious judgment of a mind able to judge my work by the standard of the same values that went to write it-I mean, not the fact that you felt,but that you felt what I wished you to feel, not the fact that you admire my work, but that you admire it for the things I wished to be admired." He chuckled.

"There's only one passion in most artists more violent than their desire for admiration: their fear of identifying the nature of such admiration as they do receive. But it's a fear I've never shared. I do not fool myself about my work or the response I seek-I value both too highly. I do not care to be admired causelessly, emotionally, intuitively,instinctively-or blindly. I do not care for deafness, I have too much to say. I do not care to be admired by anyone's heart-only by someone's head.And when I find a customer with that invaluable capacity, then my performance is a mutual trade to a mutual profit. An artist is a trader,Miss Taggart, the hardest and most exacting of all traders. Now do you understand me?" Ayn Rand from Atlas Shrugged

Translations pls...


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