Dec 31, 2004
New Year
Dec 28, 2004
We had no clue on what happened until one of my dad's staff called him on the cell. He was supposed to go down to Penang and hand in some donations on behalf of the company. To the guy who lost all his five children to the giant waves. What a shocker. What a cliche.
The area worst hit was Kuala Muda, not far from where we were. Yet, life went on in SP as if nothing happened. I expected to see choppers flying in with patients from KM and ambulances blaring their sirens across town. Nope, nothing of the sort.
At first, the news seemed somewhat surreal. Tsunami? Here in Malaysia? Exactly.
An aerial video of the Penang beach showed people desperately running away from rapidly advancing waves. Some managed to escape, others disappeared beneath the seemingly harmless white foams. The wrath of mother nature, so beautiful in it's destruction.
All I can think of is how grateful I should be despite of it all.
Of all the countries hit, Malaysia still has the least number of fatalities.
Of all the countries hit, Malaysia was the farthest inland, the farthest away form the epicenter.
And also, despite of it all, I could not ignore the hints pointing to the fact that it was a massage from GOD.
Most of the major tourist attractions were severely hit (Phuket, Langkawi).
It happened on a Sunday, a day of picnicking, a day of leisure, a day of outings.
Coincidence? Perhaps.
More like providence. At least to me it is.
Dec 24, 2004
Sungai Petani
Tomorrow I journey
to the town of SP
where I roamed young and free
where bonds of faith awaits me
where I paved a brief history
of tears, of laughter, of destiny
in the green fields of padi
Tomorrow I journey
to Sungai Petani...
Dec 20, 2004
Dec 17, 2004
Dec 11, 2004
Ever felt like there's a shadow that follows you around? Even when there's no sun, no light, nothing, to cast it in your direction?
Ever felt like a shadow hitches a ride at the sole of your feet and goes wherever you go, does whatever you do, sees everyone you see?
Ever felt like it's robbing you off your name, the sillhouette that takes the form of your body but never giving you credit for it?
Ever looked in a mirror and see an immitation of yourself instead of a reflection?
Ever turned around to see an echo of yourself doing the rounds, collecting applause?
Patent rights be damned, a copycat is nothing but that.
Dec 9, 2004
Dec 2, 2004
Stupid thing
Amy and I did something very stupid yesterday. This is how it happended...
We were looking for a building in KL. We didn't know where it was. We got some useful directions from a few nice ol' Pakciks. We managed to blotch that up somehow. We stopped at a gas station to ask for directions. We actually bumped into one of the Pakciks. I couldn't stop laughing so Amy explained to him how we got lost. He gave some more directions.
Then he offered us a ride. He was going in the same direction.
I was tired of walking and it was starting to rain. So after a few moments of contemplation, we got in the car. Not until after we closed the door did it crossed my mind that we were doing something irreversibly STUPID. Yeah, too late, I know.
The nice ol' Pakcik kept up a stream of small talk all the way. Amy and I never said a word to each other, but we kept exchanging worried glances the whole time. She knew what was on my mind, and I hers.
Thankfully, we got to the place safe and sound. Everything turned out ok, but we made a very stupid decision all the same. Getting into a stranger's car is stupid, regardless of the situation.
Never again.
Nov 29, 2004
You can smoke but you gotta have cancer.
You can binge on that piece of cake but you gotta deal with the extra pounds.
You can fall in love but you gotta deal with the heartaches.
You can lose your temper at someone but you gotta face the gnawing regret afterwards.
You can tell a white lie but you gotta face the ones that follow.
You can get wasted tonight but you gotta have that hang-over tomorrow morning.
Life is a constant trade-off.
Nov 24, 2004
Work out
Working out sucks. Especially if you've lapsed for almost a year. I didn't want to start because I didn't think it would be very affective. Now I want to stop because it actually is straining my muscles.
Oh damn, it's time for another session....
Nov 22, 2004
Nov 20, 2004
The eternal optimist. That's what he is. That is what's gotten him through the break-up. Besides the controversy and the turbulence that followed, I wonder if anyone has noticed what a trooper he has been. It took me some time to realize that, too. Ever since he got dumped (unmercifully), all he's been talking about was improving himself. I wasn’t surprised to find him talking about his ex during our whole outing last Friday. What piqued my interest was that he seemed to be strongly driven now. He tells me about his future plans. He changed jobs based on what would better his prospects as a designer. He's planning to get into small-time businesses so that he'd be better equipped for the commercial aspects of architectural practice. He even has an entire outline of what he wants to achieve within the next few months! And they're all realistic and pretty objective. He talked about one of his life-long dreams and prompted me into thinking about my own dreams. My ultimate goal in life. I do have one, but that's another story. As a friend, I'm happy for him. Happy to see that he's taken the best out of the worse tragedy in his young adult life and turned it into a challenge to better himself. To the optimist, I wish you all the best. May the good times last, and the bad times make you stronger.
Nov 18, 2004
Nov 17, 2004
Hearts Aflutter
Love is a thing with feathers
Nov 16, 2004
Photo failure
Nov 14, 2004
Raya Blues
End of the first day of Eid at home. Almost got off to a bad start with Mama ringing her alarm a little too early in the morning. But things got off just fine after that.
The ketupat was a bit of a disappointment, the kuah kacang was spectacular, the nasi tomato and ayam masak merah rendered me speechless.
I have to admit, the only thing significant today was the change in food. We didn't see the need to extravagantly do up the house, just some extensive cleaning. While we watched TV and waited for the menfolk to return from Raya prayers, I sensed an air of sterility in the living room. Thanks to Kak Nani's polishing and scrubbing. The delicious smell of food is accredited to me!
We pushed off to Mak Chak's house. All of Feizal's siblings were there except for Bai Ali. Kak Syikin surprised me by asking about my plans to study in Australia. I've only met her once before, when she was pregnant with Tasya. We went on to a very nice conversation, one that regrettably ended due to too many people in too small a space. I still regret not talking to her more. Her little girl Tasya is an absolute doll. I was also quite happy to see Bai Fadzil, I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it was his jubah and nondescript white kopiah that made him appear humble, more approachable for a conversation, although I didn't quite like his somewhat detached wife.
We moved on to auntie Jah's house, where another overwhelming welcome awaits us. How and why my parents came to be such close friends with her and Uncle Hashim is still a little foggy to me. But I can see that auntie Jah adores my mum like a sister. Sadly, I do not think that the ties bonded now will continue to live between her children and my siblings. While our parents are tight, Kak Nani and I hardly know auntie Jah's grown children. There is promise of a remedy for this, provided I enlist the help of auntie Jah's son, Hatta, when I go to Brisbane next year.
I'm still fervently praying for that to come true this time.
Some of auntie Jah's relatives arrived while we were there. I was touched to see how she persuaded my parents to stay longer, even then. These are precious friends, indeed. Suddenly, I feel urged to continue the ties for my parents' sake.
We finally drove home at four pm, with everyone asleep pretty much all the way home.
It's been a simple and quiet Raya this year, today.
Nov 11, 2004
I know my mom sometimes balks at the way I dress. It amuses me, how she frets about how I look to others. It's not that I don't care. I just can't be bothered to get all dressed up for the grocers' or the lady at the laundromat. Being a female, I do have the desire to look good, but not all the time. Comfort comes first and formost for me, always.
I went through a sort of morphosis during my early varsity days. I started off with wanting to look good, but not exactly knowing how. I occasionally fell into the trap of dressing too comfortably that I tend to be sloppy.
Later, as I learned the tricks and turns of the trends, I found myself concerned with nothing but that - trends. Many a times I found myself looking quite uniformed to some others. That is something my ego utterly despised.
Finally, now, I am completely comfortable with myself. I dress according to how I want to look and feel. Trends do not play much of a role for me, neither is peer pressure. The only conditions I strive to fulfill are those of my religion.
I hope I never break those rules, no matter what the temptations might be.
I can't say that I am at a final phase of my personal fashion trend (everbody has one, by the way) but I am definitely comfortable with the stage I am at.
Nov 10, 2004
Nov 9, 2004
Nov 6, 2004
The Big Spill
Nov 4, 2004
Freak of Nature
Nov 3, 2004
Oct 25, 2004
Hairdo's Don'ts
Of all the salons I've been to, J&M has to be the best yet. The owner (a lady whose name I can never seem to store in my memory) always greets us with a smile and an offer of her Chinese tea ( which I drink solely out of respect for her, not for the taste). Thankfully, she'll be attending to me for today, since it's always easier to relate what I want to her, as compared to the new girls.
The shampoo girl must be new. The way she's working my scalp, it'll be flake free for the rest of the year, I'm sure. Just when I was about ready to beg her to stop, she taps my shoulder and directed me to the wash basin. Now here comes the scissors and comb. I decided to go for something radical this time. Boy, I'm really hard up for change! I can see my mom glancing sideways nervously at me. Oh well, what's life if you don't live on the wild side every once in a while, right?
My baby brother turned double digits yesterday. I bought him Lemony Snickett’s Book the Seventh, adding to his collection, something I knew he’d like. The way he calmly thanked everybody made me wonder if that was the right gift for him, he seemed so grown up.
I miss the little brat who used to bug me to go riding with him. Now he goes of cycling with his buddies. Same goes with swimming, playing tag, etc. He doesn’t need me to read him bedtime stories anymore. Now he turns on my reading light and reads himself. I miss his little giggles, his chubby little fingers and stubby toes.
My baby bro’s a big boy now.
All those years gone by, where did they go?
Oct 24, 2004
Oct 23, 2004
Oct 21, 2004
Major Success, major blunder.
Oct 17, 2004
What's In A Name?
Although the name Shazlin creates the urge to be creative, independent, and self-sufficient, we point out that it causes a materialistic, somewhat self-opinionated approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the reproductive organs, and tension or accidents to the head.
The name Shazlin creates a very independent, practical, analytical nature with skillful business abilities. You desire freedom from restrictions and authority in order that you can pursue your own ambitions. This name gives you leadership qualities and you are seldom happy in positions where you must direction from others. Material and financial success are the focus of your interests, but sacrificing much for material ambition will result in a lack of harmony and balance in your personal life, particularly a lack of appreciation for social courtesies and things of a more inspirational nature."
Oct 15, 2004
Regrets, more regrets, damn regrets.
Oct 14, 2004
I was still in a haze, preparing breakfast in the final hours of dawn, when I noticed the ants.
There were clusters of them on the floor in the utility room. Upon tracing their little trail, I discovered the cause for their communion - nasty maggots.
I was purely disgusted to the highest degree! My mother has been out of town since Monday, hence not much cooking has been done, hence less garbage. I remebered that the last time anyone has taken the garbage out was last Tuesday. Yuck. Now it's infested with maggots and I have to clean it up.
The first thing I did was to spray those little infesting freaks with enough insecticide to for them to swim in. They were all over the place, causing me to swear enough for God to keep me in hell for all eternity (I have fully repented since then, I swear). Then I left them to marinate in it for a few hours, to make sure they are all R.I.P.
Next came the task of cleaning up the dead bodies. The broom and dust pan came in very handy for this. I got chills up and down my spine just feeling them roll around in the dust pan. Purely disgusting.
A few more of them appeared an hour ago and got picked up with wads of tissue paper instead, less painful, maybe. I seem to have become immune to them. There is, however, this permanent grimace stuck on my face.
Damn those maggots. I'm sure those creepy crawlies play some kind of role on earth, but I sure as hell don't see it.
I personally prefer them banished to the core of the planet.
Oct 13, 2004
This and that
Hmm...duty calls. Suddenly, I seem to have a lot to say from a day spent doing nothing.*Point to ponder*
Oct 11, 2004
Jagged little pill
Sep 27, 2004
Looking back, I can see a dozen ways how this accident could've been avoided. I could've left home a bit sooner, or a bit later. I could've waited for the car to pass and make a left like I usually do, instead of being impatient and making a right to rush things (unreasonably, now that I think about it). The first few seconds after my car effectively grazed the passing Camry, the only thought that came to my mind was, "Oh GOD, is this real? This MUST be a dream. This can't be real. Is this really happening? Oh GOD, it is! IT IS! Oh GOD. OH GOD," I could've gone on forever (I guess this is what they call 'eternity in a single moment') The blood rushed up to my face and I could actually feel it expand, sideways. My hands were seriously SHAKING.
While I waited the dreadfully long five minutes before my dad came to the rescue, the only thought crossing my mind was that I had committed some serious, sinful offence and I was being punished for it. The truth of it I shall never find out and will last to serve as a reminder for me for at least the next five years.
Sep 25, 2004
Celebrating myself - the uncontented one
to love myself for all that I am
despite the faults
or perhaps, for the faults
I would be a contented person.
If only I can find a way
to paint a picture
free of influences
that satisfies no one but myself
I would be a contented person.
If only I can find a way
to pen down my thoughts
and let others read it and be judged
and not have a care for their verdicts
I would be a contented person.
If only I can find a way
to contend myself
with all that I am,
all that I can do,
to paint and to pen,
and be not judgmental upon myself,
I would be a contented person.
Sep 24, 2004
A tribute to Miss Anne
time to remember,
time to reach the infinite.
Time to be."
~Gladys Taber
I couldn't imagine a better quote to remember Miss Anne Shirley by.
Sep 19, 2004
From Green Gables to Avonlea
It is wonderful to make your acquaintance once again. It has been a dreadfully long while since I last saw the likes of you in Green Gables. I see that you have come to sprinkle your touch on the whole of Avonlea this time! I have missed your old friends, your bosom friends Diana Barry, Jane Andrews and Gilbert Blythe. Also your little adventures down the Birch Path, past the Fairies’ Pond, through The Haunted Woods, up Lovers’ Lane and finally home at Green Gables, where Marilla, sweet, old Marilla Cuthbert, waits for you, ready for another story of the day’s happenings.
I am quite tickled to see that you are still enraged at any mention of your fiery red hair. Pardon me, that’s auburn now. I am sure that it is now the handsomest shade of auburn that you have always hoped it would be. By the way, have those dimples in your elbows turned up?
I notice an increasing mention of Gilbert’s name in your many conversations. I smell romance brewing between the two of you. It may be late in coming, but it’s arrival is just as sure as any of your misgivings for calamity. Oh yes, yes of course, the two of you are the bosomest of friends!
I have so far enjoyed the recount of your first day as Avonlea’s school teacher. Worry not, dear Miss Anne, the children will, in time, come to adore you once they see how dedicated you are to their education and well-being. And if that Jonathan Pye boy never comes to like you, don’t fret too much, for the Pyes have not the slightest liking for anyone else but themselves!
I am thoroughly impressed with your vision of the A.V.I.S. I think it is a splendid idea and wish you all the luck. Avonlea is a wonderful place, but it can use some improvements here and there. Old Mrs. Rachel Lynn will come to support your intentions, Anne, and if she doesn’t, you shouldn’t have to worry of her going against you, for the old lady is more fond of you than she lets on!
I’m afraid I must end my correspondence here, for there are urgent matters at hand. I anxiously turn the pages for your next foray into adventure (or mishap!) in quiet little Avonlea.
Till then, I remain your most devoted friend and truest fan.
Sep 7, 2004
Take Me Nowhere

"What's it for?"
For a person who's always been driven to succeed, to achieve something, this state of limbo is wearing me down....
Will I be able to bring myself back up again when it matters? Time will tell....
In the meantime, allow me to return to my slumber as the world, with everything and everyone else in it, move on without my presence.....
I am spam.
I am void.
I will not be missed.
Sep 2, 2004
Ya'jud and Ma'jud were coming.
Omar and Abah came back with the news. The eleventh hour is up. They would be here any minute. Omar keep going on about how the insides of our car was scratched through, scratched from inside. My blood runs cold.I try to tell Omar that it's too late for a shower. Just get dressed and be ready. I grab a butter knife and a fork and shove it into my pockets, muttering praises to Allah, hoping, praying for protection. I was shaking with fear.
I have no idea what we were up against. None of us are, not even Mama. This is a part of the chain of events leading up to jugdment day, I know that. Are we going to live through it? Should we fight this coming evil with force or diplomacy? Physical strength or religious submission?
I look out the window to catch the shadow sweeping the entire earth. A man standing alone looks at his feet, confused.
They are here. Run.
Mama stands behind the door instead of going to hide in the room with me. She bravely tells me that she will face whatever is coming head-on. We both know it, neither of us said it. She was going to die and she's using herself as a shield for the rest of us. Good bye, Mama.
Mama, of all things, laughs at me. She tells me there's nothing to be afraid of, we don't even exactly know what we're up against. Might not even be as bad as it seems. From the way I'm shaking, I might as well be dead already. The house grows dark.I wanted so much to believe her. I look in the mirror and prayed hard that any minute, I'd wake up from this nightmare. But it's like praying for rain when you know, most definitely, there's no chance of rain whatsoever and you'll just have to weather the scorching sun no matter what.
This is real. It is no dream.
I watch the corridor for signs of their approach. They are here.
And I wake up, predictably, to the setting sun....
Aug 30, 2004

I place myself in front of the pc, poise my fingers over the keyboard, take a deep, deep breath, close my eyes briefly,
and bring my fingers down with a torrent of words for this week's entry....
And I am sadly disappointed.
By myself.
I wish I could write like Amy Tan and Johanna Krintiensen, reflect on the simple miracles of life called relationships, share it with others and make an enormous impact in other people's lives.
Well, maybe it's a bit far-reaching, but I used to write a lot, words seemed to spill out of me with no regards towards what others think and how they might judge me for it. It was a joy to see in words what I had swimming in my head.
Now nothing comes out without consent from the observing public. Nothing goes uncritisized.
When did I become so intent upon satisfying others, all but myself, my want, my relish? When did I become so concerned about being judged, now, later, for what I choose to express about myself, for expressing myself?
It must be this environment I am in. The walls restict me from roaming far from what is reality. The windows gives me a narrowed glimpse into what could be, but never how. The cold floor remind me again and again that there are those who will not approve of this verbal tantrum.
I wish I was in Aryani. The beuatiful idea of the little timber house all to myself. No one to bother me with their unasked-for opinions, nothing but the lone pot o' bougainvilla on the verandah to keep me company should I ever get too lonesome, if ever. The timber floors gives me all the space I need, the sea breeze fleeting through the window, lifting my hair of my shoulders.
What bliss......
Aug 11, 2004
Back to UTM - Day 1
even the most casual ones.
I couldn't help getting a bit reminiscent,
going through the gates of UTM.
Reflecting on the good times and better times,
and how they can never happen again.
Me, Anum and Echa stopped at the Pasar Rabu,
Got some jagung bakar and some drinks,
Sat down by the lake to watch kayakkers,
Happy couples and day-time buddies,
Had some fun playing hookie,
While the sun goes down, in muted beauty.
It's been a perfect day.
Aug 10, 2004
Terrible Dream
I'm feeling rather rough.
I'm looking like I stayed up late,
and didn't sleep enough.
I went to sleep at bedtime
and dreamt all through the night,
but when I woke this morning
I was feeling far from right.
For though I drifted quickly,
and slumbered long and deep,
I'm totally exhausted
'cause I dreamed I couldn't sleep!
--Kenn Nesbitt
Aug 9, 2004
I am young (re:naive and clueless), therefore I think.....
There is no half-way-state,
Everything is in black and white,
Something is either wrong or right,
If it is wrong, then it should never happen,
One either have principles or you don't,
If one does, there's no reason not to live by them.
I am young, therefore I think.....
Parents are actually not perfect,
They make mistakes (despite everything they've learned)
Mistakes which I will NEVER make,
They make bad choices sometimes, (often out of trying to do the best)
I would never make the same choices they did,
Any choices I've made will be better because I've LEARNED from them.
I am young, therefore I think.....
My parents are the strongest,
After all they've been through to keep living, and living it well,
My parents are the wisest,
For all the wisdom they have and choose to reveal when the time is right for me to learn,
My parents are the most patient people,
For putting up with my passionate arguments that are often lacking in experience.
If I were a sponge soaking up the colours of their love, I'd be dripping rainbows rite now.
Aug 6, 2004
Sleep in my eyes
Awake = predict. Adj. aroused from sleep, ~ to, aware of,
Asleep = adv. & predict. Adj. 1. condition in which the eyes are closed, the muscles, the nerves, etc. become relaxed 2. (of the arms and legs) without feeling (as when under pressure)
WAKING UP = a half-way-place where you know you’ve had enough and that it’s time to get a move on but at the same time it also makes sense to drift off and continue to indulge in that delicious, mysterious and illusive thing called SLEEP
Aug 5, 2004
baby steps
it takes baby steps to build a good one,
....or so I was told.
I'm opening my labrynth of emotions and thoughts
to strangers and, much worse,
to people whose opinion matters to me most. steps to not caring.
Allah answers prayers in three ways :-
Allah says YES and gives you what you want
Allah says NO and gives you something better
Allah says WAIT and gives you the BEST in good time...
how true.
now that I have that wisdom,
all I need is the patience.